ロダン– Auguste Rodin –

フランソワ=オーギュスト=ルネ・ロダン(1840年11月12日 - 1917年11月17日)は、フランスの彫刻家。19世紀を代表する彫刻家とされ、『近代彫刻の父』と称される。代表作に『地獄の門』、その一部を抜き出した『考える人』など。

François Auguste René Rodin (12 November 1840 – 17 November 1917) was a French sculptor,[1] generally considered the founder of modern sculpture.[2] He was schooled traditionally and took a craftsman-like approach to his work. Rodin possessed a unique ability to model a complex, turbulent, and deeply pocketed surface in clay. He is known for such sculptures as The Thinker, Monument to Balzac, The Kiss, The Burghers of Calais, and The Gates of Hell.